Tuesday, December 22, 2009
Checksum App for Windows is a Worm!
Saturday, November 14, 2009
Internationalizing Numbers and Dates in Java
Thursday, October 15, 2009
Working with Deleting/Updating a Set In Hibernate
Wednesday, September 30, 2009
JFreeChart LegendTitle Font Change
Monday, July 20, 2009
iPhone Mobile Camp Atlanta
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
Integrating Author It Compiled Documents with Strutsonlin
The import of the bean taglib is needed to extract the SessionData bean which lives in the session and get the onlineHelpCode string value from it and plop it to the SRC element. It is important that this file is located where the jsp files are.
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
Using Chain of Responsibility Pattern
Wednesday, May 6, 2009
When do we say its the right tecnology to use?
It's always a challenge to marry the right technology with the right requirement that would produce a fluid, solid application. One-Stop-Shop approach of resolving business issues is no longer becoming relevant in the global IT market. You pay so much that without realizing only a fraction of the features provided by that technology is only essential to what the business requires. A lot of companies now are resorting to only "get what you need" and "pay what you only need" mentality. This is where customization comes in. The beauty of customization is it delivers the solution that the problem it exactly expects. This strategy relieves companies from paying too much.
When the curse of overengineering starts to sink in, its a manifestation of wrong implementation. But what is overengineering? It's a combination of technology misuse and irrelevant complex implementation. If the implementation looks simple and it solves a business need then we just answered the first question above.
The danger comes when technology features molds how the application should behave. This deviates the application from concentrating into its prioritized functionalities and might deliver features not needed at all. Scope creep is the twin evil of this situation. Looking at it at the brighter side, this is the best opportunity to step back and review the requirements and correct and refine the implementation.
Implementing User Sessions for Crystal Reports Java SDK
1. Log on to Crystal Report Server
You call the metod CrystalEnterprise.getSessionMgr() which returns you an object of type ISessionMgr. From there call the method of the returned object below which returns an object of type IEnterpriseSession.
logon(String userName, String password, String ceServerName, String secEnterprise);
2. Create Logon Token
The IEnterpriseSession has a method getLogonTokenMgr() that returns ILogonTokenMgr. Call the method below to get the logon token string.
createWCAToken(String clientServerName, int validMinutes, int validNumLogon);
The validMinutes parameter represents how long do you want to maintain the session and the validNumLogon represents how many logons the client can perform in one session within the given valid minutes.
3. Logon to Crystal Server with Token
Call the method below from the class ISessionMgr and pass the logon token string that was previously generated. This returns to you a new IEnterpriseSession that has the token. All transactions will then use this session object until the minutes or log on counts are exhausted.
Of course, somehow this session will expire later on and the client application need to reconnect. The good news is you just have to follow the same steps. On the other hand, if the session is still valid and somehow the application needs to reset the connection, always check for the session if it already expired. If it is, release the token and logoff with the following sequence then proceed to steps 1 through 3 again.
releaseToken(logonTokenString); // called from ILogonTokenMgr
ceSessionWithToken.logoff(); // called from IEnterpriseSession with token
ceSession.logoff(); // called from IEnterpriseSession without token
This approach will be very useful for batch processing. You want to keep the pipe full while the report server is processing. With on demand request report processing, you don't want to keep a session open for a long time.
Friday, May 1, 2009
Java Multithreaded Web Service Performance Tips
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
Jakarta Commons Net API
Jakarta Commons Net(JCN) Java Library is just one of those open source projects I've enjoyed working with. Specially its FTP API. Which is gonna be the focus of this discussion.
I've implemented a component that uses this library in a Web Service environment which basically connects to a remote FTP service then iterate through the list of directories, process the files and handle the reply codes properly. The list of files may go to several thousands.
Here are the things I found really useful from JCN.
1. It automatically issues a new PORT command to the server so we don't have to worry about manually setting the port for different platforms (Unix, Linux, Windows, Mac, etc.) when connecting. Also validates data connections to client to ensure the request had originated from the intended host. We don't want our application deal with strangers eh?
2. It allows you to page through the list of FTP files. I think this is an awesome feature! From my previous project the list of files can span to several thousands. But through FTPListParseEngine class I was able to page through the files and process them in smaller chunks. This is a great performance boost. We only load the ftp file objects we currently need. Creating this objects are expensive. We keep the metabolism of an application running this way and saves us the evil of bottlenecks.
3. Provides very easy to use and effecient way of handling FT Reply Codes. The codes are basically messages passed by the FTP Server indicating if the request was processed successfully or not. There are about 49 codes which you can check at this link http://www.turboftp.com/turboftp/manual/TURBOFTPFTP_Server_Reply_Codes.htm . After a command is issued to the server, the server returns an int value representing the code. Just capture this code and apply the behavior you want to happen in the application.
This is a great way to isolate specific ftp issues and handle it properly so the application can still function, say even if the FTP service is down. Or if your previous request gave a code that identifies your request as not processed, you can resend it upto a certain number of times until you mark it failed. There's no point sending an ftp command or request if the data connection is not established, as shown below.
Also shown below is an example of flagging the reply if its ok or not with their matching simple behavior implementation.
I can see no reason why JCN can't be used. It provides the necessary security and performance gain we need. Plus it provides you an elegant way of handling FTP Reply Codes that you can use to manipulate the behavior of an application consuming an ftp service. Documentation is well written too.
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
AJUG (SOA and BPM Meeting) - My Take
I'm interested to know how PDD works. I wished he talked more on that part. To me PDD sounds like a 6 Sigma methodology but the only difference is 6 Sigma not only focuses on the product but to the processes as well from business processes/operations down to the smallest detail of assembly of a product. Ten years ago I was a Process Engineer and got trained for Greenbelt 6 Sigma and was certified. A project was identified and was assigned to me and used 6 Sigma methodology to eliminate or at least minimize a product defect. The rest of the Process Engineers also had their own. After my 6 Sigma project was completed I saved the company $160,000 annualy and the product which I'm assigned had a better quality and the ROI is very tangible. I have not heard of any process driven development yet that had a very tangible ROI. The question is how do you measure a business process? With 6 Sigma you have 98.5% as your confidence level, computed statistically. I've seen alot of Software Companies using 6 Sigma as their methodology for delivering products. But I have not heard any welcoming news that it worked for them. I might be wrong. But I've never seen anything published.
Rick made it clear that there's no organization responsible for setting the standards for Process Driven Development and everything is still up in the air but alot of companies are already using software products that enable them to Choreograph and Orchestrate their services that will eventually define their BPM. I guess everybody will just have to wait and see. But there's definitely a need for a standard business process management.
BPMN was also mentioned which basically means Business Process Management Notation. It's another set of notations that BAs and Developers will have to learn. UML is there and I believe its sufficient to translate a descriptive business requirement into a more readable, simplified diagram. This is the part where I don't cast my vote in. I think the reason why management and development team cannot meet in the middle is because of unclear requirements sitting on top of a thick bureaucrat who is wrapped in his own fragile ego.
For now I consider BPM as a buzz. Its just basically a workflow. Nothing more. BPEL and the like on the other hand simplfies the complexity of implementing tons of workflows. But how do you measure its complexity to use such a product? Maybe if there are 100 steps in a workflow? Or if the integration points consumed in that workflow is more than 10 then do we consider that as a complex workflow?
Its hard to quantify the workflow metrics and I'm not sure how to do it at this point. We can't just dive in into our Infrastructure and start doing workflow metric testing to establish a benchmark. Also, you might have to hire a person with a position as Workflow Expert, if they do exists, to do the job.
In the end, all the business want is to see if they get any value from BPM. How much can they $ave, how much processes can they reduce and make efficient, and how can they make their IT Infrastructure flexible to accommodate the ever changing business needs.
Oracle BRM Portal Java PCM API Design Issues
I respect Oracle. They're awesome. They’re very smart and that’s why they bought Sun Microsystems. But no great companies are exempted from mistakes and great mishaps. I know you know some. I'm not surprised if you'd pick Microsoft. Dang Vista really hit them hard and that wasn’t there first. But I'm not gonna talk about Vista. I want to focus on what my experience was working with Oracle BRM Portal Java PCM API, specifically their FList class and Web Service Interface.
I have not used every single API but enough to point out what's wrong with it.
Here are the design issues I’ve found:
1. FList class is a Hashtable
2. FList data structure follows the anti-pattern “Yo-yo Problem”
3. Heavy use of Reflection
4. Vague documentation
FList class is a Hashtable
FList is the point of entry/gateway in the Oracle BRM Java API to initiate and create transactions. It can contain aggregates of different types of objects that represent the data and its relationship in the BRM database. The result coming back from any brm request is also a FList. So the brm request/response is of the FList form.
Now here comes the bad part. FList is a Hashtable! It’s thread-safe because it’s synchronized but at the same time greatly compromises performance. FList is very coarse-grained object that can have a deep tree structure. If you put it on a multi-threaded environment the application will bend down on its knees. So their Java PCM API is not scalable at all.
FList data structure follows the anti-pattern “Yo-yo Problem”
Think of this. All of the available object types in the Java PCM API are contained in the FList. You have to dig deep into it and know what type of object you are getting. The problem comes when you keep flipping from one object to another and that doesn’t clearly explain how these objects are related to each other and what subject do they convey. It’s confusing. Their PCM Java Documentation API is not enough to understand what are involved in a specific BRM process. You have to reference as well their Portal Documentation which is about 312MB containing around 10,756 files. If you need to understand something it’s like finding a needle in a haystack.
Heavy use of Reflection
I have never seen an application that uses heavy reflection till I came across FList. The image above shows how many times reflection was used to just grab one Sales Order through Oracle’s BRM Web Service interface. I’ve used JProfiler to take a snapshot of the call trace. The lookup of the class being invoked incurs the most overhead compared to its invocation (seehttp://www.jguru.com/faq/view.jsp?EID=246569). Oracle BRM WS has definitely some performance issues with its Java engine.
The Field class from the package com.portal.pcm made 12,855 lookups and off course another 12,855 invocations incurring 20 seconds to complete just these two tasks. Its ridiculous. What in the world is it doing???
Vague documentation
Oracle BRM is a beast. The documentation as well as mentioned above earlier. It’s so huge that you can easily get lost without the guidance of an Oracle Consultant. It’s not trivial. The goal of every complex system should be to provide enough and clear documentation. What really gets into my nerves is when we start customizing fields in BRM and the document doesn’t tell you what data you need to pass to FList to properly fetch what you want from BRM. Even outside of the customization discussion, you need several pieces of information from one page to another and combine them to formulate your desired FList structure.
This is just one of those tools where you definitely have to go to a training. I'd say hire one good Oracle Consultant and let your trained employees work with him to manipulate the behavior of their BRM tool. My current company is totally dependent on Oracle Consultants. We have 6 of them and they get paid a ton. I wish they invested in their employees and let them be trained and be guided by just one consultant.
Thursday, April 16, 2009
Sun should treat eveything in Java as Objects!
Do you think Sun will remove primitive data types(int, long, float, etc.) in their Java Platform?
I got 10 answers from different people and they are all against the idea of treat everything in Java as Objects. But I did clarify my point why I like the idea of Sun updating the Java Platform or creating new breed of Java Platform that will treat everything in Java as an Object. Here's my reason behind the question.
I have seen lots of Java code that keeps switching from a primitive type to a Wrapper class. Reflection API does not return the classe's primitive type as an object and of course you have to use Wrapper classes to later convert it to the right object type then switch back to a primitive type. Autoboxing just does the same thing. All of these are basically CPU overhead not heap overhead. RAMs are not that expensive and they get cheaper and cheaper while getting bigger in temporary storage. I guess I like the idea of having Java as everything is Object because that will minimize switching between primitive types and makes the code alot readable. But I do agree some of their points but I'm thinking not far from now it may happen. Heap size is easier to control than CPU time. There's a big difference between memory usage and cpu time in terms of overhead. The latter gives you a better sense of tuning performance. You would be surprised that scalability is actually affected more by CPU Time rather than Heap Size. If you have an out of memory issue, its almost always that you have run away processes that the CPU keeps it running till you run out of memory. There's something in the code that drove the CPU nuts.
I hope that explains my curiosity behind the question.
Monday, April 13, 2009
Singleton without "synchronized" keyword in Multi-Threaded App
//thousands of lines of code then you are creating a bottleneck here...
//There's always this null check overhead. Also, you still have the
//synchronized keyword. It's still an overhead.
//the power of static modifier. Once you call this class
//say MySingletonObject.getInstance(), the classloader will automatically load
//and create the instance of MySingletonObject type.
//This member variable only has 1 instance all throughout the application
//since its at the class level. No more bottlenecks. No more waiting for the
//threads. They immediately get an instance. Looks very simple too...
Using Rally Java Web Service API
There are a number of developer tools that can be used from Rally ranging from integrating Rally to a different application(s) or just plainly extracting data from Rally. This link https://rally1-wiki.rallydev.com/display/Word/Developer+Tools provides necessary rally developer documentation.
Web Service API
Since Rally supports several implementation of their WS API this will mainly focus on SOAP in Java. You can find on this link https://rally1.rallydev.com/slm/doc/webservice/ the other implementations. The only thing I don't like about this API implementation is that you always have to pass the object reference through the wire to get the values of the object. The WS calls are so fine-grained that the number of objects queried is directly proportional to the number of round-trip calls. The sample usage of the SOAP in Java implementation is shown below in sequence.
Assuming our target of interest is to extract a Story from Rally. The Story in Rally is actually map to a SOAP object called HierarchicalRequirement. Always remember to use the read() method of RallyService? object to grab the physical object from Rally.
- Grab the WSDL from the current version of your Rally application which might have the form https://rallyx.rallydev.com/slm/webservice/x.xx/meta/34343483/rally.wsdl.
- Generate the Java code from the given wsdl file. Their will be 3 packages generated - com.rallydev.webservice.domain and com.rallydev.webservice.service.
- com.rallydev.webservice.domain contains all SOAP objects that represent the data in Rally.
- com.rallydev.webservice.service contains the web service interface.
- Acquire connection from the web service endpoint and grab available Workspaces.
URL url = new URL("https://rally1.rallydev.com/slm/webservice/1.10/RallyService");
RallyService service = (new RallyServiceServiceLocator()).getRallyService(url);
Stub stub = (Stub)service;
stub.setMaintainSession(true);Subscription subscription = (Subscription)service.getCurrentSubscription();
Workspace[] workspaces = subscription.getWorkspaces();
if(workspaces==null || workspaces.length==0){
errorBuf.append("The login credentials doesn't have any subscription or there are " +
"no Workspaces configured from Rally.");
writeToFile(serviceBean, errorBuf.toString());
return null;
}- If the target workspace is "IT: the next generation" then loop through the workspaces that matches that workspace.
Workspace workspace = null;
for(int i=0; i<workspaces.length;i++){
WSObject wsObject = (WSObject)service.read(workspaces[i]);
workspace = (Workspace)wsObject;
String workspaceName = workspace.getName();
if(workspaceName.equalsIgnoreCase("IT: the next generation" )){
- Submit query and get results (DomainObject?[]). The serviceBean.getQuery() is a name/value pair which might be of the form Release.Name= "Test Release For TWiki" AND ScheduleState? = "Completed". Process each DomainObject?.
QueryResult queryResult = service.query(workspace, "HierarchicalRequirement", serviceBean.getQuery(), "", false, 1, 100);
for(int i=0; i<queryResult.getErrors().length;i++){
errorBuf.append("ERROR: ");
writeToFile(serviceBean, errorBuf.toString());
return null;
}DomainObject[] domainObjects = queryResult.getResults();
if(domainObjects!=null && domainObjects.length>0){
ListreleaseNotesBeanList = new ArrayList ();
TwikiBean twikiBean = new TwikiBean();
MappackageStoryMap = new HashMap (); for(int i=0;i<domainObjects.length;i++){
HierarchicalRequirement story = (HierarchicalRequirement)service.read(domainObjects[i]);
Release release = (Release)service.read(story.getRelease());
DateFormat dateFormat = DateFormat.getInstance();
String releaseDate = dateFormat.format(release.getReleaseDate().getTime());if(story.getAttachments()==null || story.getAttachments().length==0){
if(story.get_package()==null || story.get_package().equals("")){
if(release==null || release.getName()==null
|| release.getName().equals("")){
errorBuf.insert(0, "ERROR: User Story ID: " + story.getFormattedID() + "\n");
writeToFile(serviceBean, errorBuf.toString());
}ReleaseNotesBean releaseNotesBean = new ReleaseNotesBean();
releaseNotesBean.setReleaseName(release.getName());Attachment[] attachments = story.getAttachments();
Attachment attachment = attachments[0];
attachment = (Attachment)service.read(attachment);AttachmentContent attachmentContent = (AttachmentContent)service.read(attachment.getContent());
byte[] content = attachmentContent.getContent();String twikiTopic = new String(content);
prepareTopics(releaseNotesBean, packageStoryMap);
return twikiBean;