My *.sql files are basically scripts that builds database tables.
Here's what I've done;
# Reads the specified directory and traverses for the sql script files.
# The first argument($1) is the target directory to be searched.
#Read the files in the directory and generate the table creation statements separating them using the semi-colon delimiter
# If there are sub-directories, they will be traversed and all files ending in '.sql' will be processed
source_command="source "
echo "argument passed $1"
for file in $(find $1 -type f -iname '*.sql'); do source_queries="${source_queries}${source_command}${file};"
# Uncomment to printout generated queries/statements for debugging purposes
# echo "printing statements generated ${source_queries}"
# Connect to the database using the 'stratus' database and execute the query statements generated
# This can be run on the background as well
echo "Executing database tables creation scipt......."
mysql -u myuser --password=mypassword --database=mydatabase -e "${source_queries}"
echo "script completed...."
Say if there's 1 script file with filename create_person_table.sql under the target directory /opt/db_scripts the resulting mysql command would look like this
mysql -u myuser --password=mypassword --database=mydatabase -e "source /opt/db_scripts/create_person_table.sql"
If there are multiple sql files the clause on the '-e' option would look like this
mysql -u myuser --password=mypassword --database=mydatabase -e "source /opt/db_scripts/create_person_table.sql;source /opt/db_scripts/create_employee_table.sql"